Thursday, June 23, 2011

Death comes in many forms....

So I've got to fly to North Carolina tomorrow to see my friend who's been put into the hospice.  God, this is awful.  I was NOT focused on my shift last night.  Though I will say the world's creepiest guy was focused on me.  He paid well, I'll give him that.  And he wasn't a grease ball.  He had money, gold watch, nice clothes...and he was alone.  Just sat there next to my station and paid for a few dances.  He smelled like fucking Ax Body Spray or something.

The creepy part about him was his staring.  Cold, calculated eyes.  Dead eyes.  I'd rather have a nervous drunk any day...

Back to my friend...if any of my new minister friends have sage advice in how I can best be there for him as someone who wants to use all her life experiences to start her own ministry, then please email me or leave a comment.  I'm nervous about seeing him, but I've been through a lot of bad things in I'm not naive.  I lost my husband and I never thought I'd get over that, to be honest.

But I'm too young to be losing friends.  Aren't we all? Death comes in many guises.  From the guy last night inhabiting a living body to the specter knocking at my friend's door.


Clark Brooks said...

Hi Dixie,
I wish I had some words of wisdom for you. I'm still new to this whole ministering thing and have been so focused on getting out there and committing some weddings that I haven't given much thought to the less fun stuff. Yikes. I guess all I can say is your friend is probably looking for quality time spent with someone who cares and listens, or in other words, a friend. That and good luck.
And I love your blog!

Dixie said...

Thanks Clark for the kind words though. Those are helping right now....